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Heart care international

Project Sponsor:  Robert Michler, MD

Introductory Video

Technology Platform

Contact HCI through project sponsor: 


The Mission of Heart Care International is to teach and train local physicians and nurses in order to improve the health of indigent children challenged with heart disease who live in developing countries throughout the world.

Project support request:  Partnership opportunities, innovation strategy

HCI is asking ClassACT HRX8 for advice and introductions to technology experts who can help us build the IT platform and country-to-country connectivity.

Current Status and project goals:

After 27 years of life-changing work, Heart Care International is extending its outreach by creating a year-round novel technology-enabled platform for real-time patient consultation, training, and care for the world's neediest children. Heart Care International launched a $5 million capital campaign to create this future. Project goals include transforming the delivery of heart care worldwide, building a daily digital presence in host countries, establishing an HCI "on-call" team, providing immediate country-to-country medical consultations, 365 days a year, leveraging new technology and cutting-edge software for clear heart-imaging, real-time sharing, and secure data storage.

$5 M

Campaign goal




Life-saving procedures

Skills and assistance needed:

  • Expand network
  • Program partners
  • Technology expertise
  • Innovation strategists
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